Dyeing Easter eggs doesn’t have to be the same exact craft every year. Check out these 11 absolutely amazing, clever, and creative tutorials for different ways to dye your Easter eggs this time.
1. Source: Squirrelly Minds
Use watercolors to paint hard boiled eggs in gorgeous, blended colors this Easter.
2. Source: One Little Project
Follow this easy tutorial to make these colorful, fabulous, tie-dyed Easter eggs.
3. Source: Momtastic
Did you know that you can transfer the pattern and color from old silk ties to make these gorgeous Easter eggs?
4. Source: Practically Functional
This is an amazing tutorial that teaches you how to dye Easter eggs using completely natural fruits and vegetables instead of regular artificial dyes.
5. Source: Crafty Morning
These gorgeous marbled Easter eggs are made with a dyeing technique that uses food coloring and shaving cream.
6. Source: Organized 31
Try this easy technique for creating patterns on your dyed Easter eggs this year.
7. Source: Freutcake
I love this tutorial for dyeing easter eggs with blueberries to make these beautiful blue, speckled eggs.
8. Source: Ciao Florentina
Use flowers, leaves, and onion skins to create these gorgeous, all natural patterns and color on your Easter eggs.
9. Source: It All Started with Paint
Just look at these bright and vibrant Easter eggs dyed using food coloring and rice. It’s a fabulously non-messy technique that’s great for small kids, too.
10. Source: Happy Hooligans
These tie-dyed Easter eggs are made with sharpies and rubbing alcohol. It’s an easy craft for kids to do, and the results are absolutely stunning.
11. Source: Red Ted Art

Client – Escapade, comm by Naomi Barry
Make easy patterns on dyed Easter eggs using tape. I love how it almost looks like batik.